Findhelp Emerges as Leading Service to Help Providers Address the SDoH

Reported on RACMonitor, and Monitor Monday SDoH segment.

These are some of the latest updates regarding the social determinants of health (SDoH), and how our readers and listeners can get involved and seek out more information beyond data collection to produce valuable outcomes.

The SDoH are making their way into the technology world via providers finding ways to integrate them with electronic medical records (EMRs), creating a closed loop referral process for providers to connect patients with community resources. Today, we celebrate for being ranked the No. 1 SDoH Health Network by KLAS Research.

I originally stumbled upon Findhelp, formally known as Aunt Bertha, when connecting with colleagues at a conference about eight years ago. I then researched the company, and it was not long before I was signing a contract to have them involved with my prior health system and connecting with the local nonprofits. 

CEO Erine Gray came up with the idea to help providers find services while he was acting as the primary caretake for his mother. Aunt Bertha was named after this idea of the wise aunt many of us have, who gives great advice and a helping hand. The intent was to have Aunt Bertha pick up where Uncle Sam leaves off, with a mission to connect people in need to the programs that serve them with dignity and ease.

Today, Findhelp is the largest, most widely used search engine to find free and reduced-cost programs by every ZIP code in the United States. They provide easy search options for customers looking for services offering food, housing, goods, transportation, healthcare, money, supportive care, education, work, and legal needs. For my fellow social workers, case managers, and community workers, they have an option for connecting directly with their local nonprofits.

Through a login and password, you can save and share your favorite lists for your patients and community members. You can refer patients to programs through the aforementioned closed loop process, and keep notes about the programs that people are finding the most helpful.

Findhelp has started to integrate with many EMRs, data analytics, and population health companies, such as Epic, Cerner, and Innovaccer. This data is being used to help support research and provide intelligence regarding services that communities are using – and lacking.

As of 2022, Findhelp is contracted with 275 healthcare and payer organizations, and they have also teamed up with local United Way chapters and 2-1-1 services to ensure that companies are working in the same direction when it comes to bridging access to services.


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